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Cosmetic Surgery

Do Breast Implants Increase The Risk of Cancer?

In recent years, breast implants have undergone increasing scrutiny because of their potential to increase the risk of numerous conditions. It turns out that breast implants aren’t nearly as safe and harmless as they’ve been positioned to be for decades. They come with a high risk of capsular contracture, implant rupture or leakage, and a whole host of systemic symptoms and autoimmune diseases categorized under the umbrella of the term breast implant illness (BII). But what about cancer: do breast...
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What Is AlloDerm and Dermal Matrix (Cadaver) and What Is It Used For?

AlloDerm and other acellular dermal matrices (ADMs) derived from cadaveric sources represent a significant advancement in reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. These biologically derived materials are extensively used to enhance the outcomes of various surgical procedures, offering numerous benefits in terms of tissue integration and healing. What Are AlloDerm and Dermal Matrices? AlloDerm is a type of acellular dermal matrix (ADM) derived from donated human skin. Its creation involves removing all cellular components from the dermis, leaving behind a scaffold composed...
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