If you’ve had problems with your breast implants in the past and are seeking a means to get rid of them in a manner that’s both safe and successful, the residual capsule removal procedure that we provide here at Executive Plastic Surgery may give you exactly what you’re looking for. For more information on silicone toxicity in Bloomfield Township, please schedule a consultation.
What Is Residual Capsule Removal?
The breast implant capsule is essentially the body’s natural response to the surgically placed implants that are a part of the breast augmentation cosmetic surgery process that some women choose to get.
In this case, the immune system of the body may have activated inflammatory cells and bacteria in response to silicone toxicity. Additionally, the capsule may contain pieces of silicone shells, silicone gel, calcification, and germs. Since the capsule will not vanish on its own once the implant has been surgically removed, it may need residual removal.
The tugging impact that the scar has on the tissue and muscle around the implant might cause some individuals to suffer discomfort in that region. This can happen when the scar forms over the implant. If the existence of implants is posing a health danger as well as creating pain, then the removal of the capsule can be required.
When Does A Patient Need Residual Capsule Removal?
This procedure could be required in the following circumstances:
- When it is necessary to move the breast implants from a subglandular plane to a submuscular plane.
- When there is a rupture outside of the capsule of the silicone gel breast implant.
- When the implants have been causing pain, discomfort or even infection for the patient.
If you believe you are experiencing silicone toxicity in Bloomfield Township, please call our office for an appointment with Dr. Khan.
How Is Residual Capsule Removal Tailored To Each Patient?
In order to ensure that we meet our patients needs, our experts will always implement a thorough evaluation of the concerns and issues the patient is experiencing in order to provide the best treatment based on their needs.
It also depends if the patient has saline implants or silicone implants that have not been damaged, and the thickness of the capsule is normal, then the capsule may be left alone and capsulectomy is not required– that said, this will be reviewed during the initial assessment.
Why Should You Choose Us For Your Residual Capsule Removal Procedure?
Patients who have had breast augmentation cosmetic surgery may need to have their breast implants removed or replaced if they have complications such as capsular contracture. Should the patient elect for breast implant removal as a treatment option for silicone toxicity in Bloomfield Township, our experts at Executive Plastic Surgery will be faced with the decision of whether or not to remove the breast capsule that surrounds and protects the implant. That said, during the first appointment, our medical experts will have a conversation with the patient about all of these factors.
Because of their extensive training and expertise in these treatments, the specialists at Executive Plastic Surgery are able to meet every patient’s demands with only the finest services.
Talk To One Of Our Executive Plastic Surgery Experts About Residual Capsule Removal
If you’re looking to learn more about this surgery option please call our clinic today. We would be happy to set you up with your very own consultation with our experts to discuss your concerns.