En bloc capsulectomy, widely considered the most effective breast implant removal technique, involves the complete removal of the breast implant and the surrounding scar tissues. Dr. Khan is a breast implant illness advocate and explant specialist who curates the ideal strategy to remove your breast implants. Schedule an appointment for your en bloc in Bloomfield Township today.
What is en bloc capsulectomy?
When a breast implant is placed, your body develops scar tissues that surround the implant, forming a capsule of scar tissues. Some breast implant removal techniques only focus on removing the implant (not the scar tissues), and some techniques break the capsule to remove the implant and scar tissues in pieces. En bloc capsulectomy removes the breast implant and the surrounding scar tissues in one piece.
En bloc capsulectomy is ideal for women suffering from breast implant illness (BII). It’s also suitable for patients with textured breast implants because the interaction between the textured surface of the implants and the surrounding capsule is a contributory factor to breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). Since the entire breast implant is removed with the scar tissues intact, the risk of illness is eliminated.
Benefits of en bloc capsulectomy:
- The entire breast implant and surrounding scar tissues are removed in one piece
- No risk of silicone gel, bacteria, and chemicals leaking out of the capsule
- Ensures that the scar tissues are cleanly extracted from the body
- Ideal technique for patients with BII or BIA-ALCL
For more information on en bloc in Bloomfield Township, contact our office for a consultation.
The gold standard for breast implant removal
Women may undergo breast implant removal for numerous reasons — aesthetic, personal, and medical reasons. Breast implants have a lifespan of about 10 years, following which they must be removed. The lifespan can also be cut short by numerous complications, and you may also suffer the symptoms of breast implant illness, a medical condition that leads to wide-ranging systemic health problems.
Breast implant removal can be performed using numerous techniques. Some surgeons use a “straightforward” technique without additional steps — this is a fairly dangerous technique only used by surgeons who don’t believe in breast implant illness. The standard techniques for breast implant removal are total capsulectomy and en bloc capsulectomy because they remove the entire breast implant and the surrounding scar tissues.
While both total capsulectomy and en bloc capsulectomy are effective, en bloc is widely considered the gold standard technique in breast implant removal. Dr. Khan is an explant specialist who primarily offers the en bloc in Bloomfield Township procedure to remove the entire breast implant capsule and surrounding scar tissues at once. He’s committed to helping you recover your health and confidence.
Am I a suitable candidate for en bloc capsulectomy?
Dr. Khan recommends breast implant removal for patients suffering from complications related to breast implants, those with symptoms of breast implant illness, or those who want to remove breast implants for aesthetic or personal reasons. However, whether you’re a good candidate for en bloc capsulectomy or a total capsulectomy will be determined after a thorough evaluation. Generally speaking, en bloc capsulectomy is suitable for removing old silicone gel implants or textured implants and for women experiencing the symptoms of BII or BIA-ALCL.
Your personalized en bloc capsulectomy journey in Michigan
During your consultation, Dr. Shaher Khan will go over the breast implant removal options that are best for you. He will review your medical history, ask about your symptoms, understand your concerns and lifestyle, and weigh the pros and cons of each technique to curate a personalized treatment plan. You may need an en bloc in Bloomfield Township, if you have total capsulectomy, or both.
You can expect a casual and enjoyable conversation with Dr. Khan, followed by an initial exam and advice from the doctor. Please feel free to ask any questions and clarify all your doubts and concerns. Dr. Khan wants you to have complete clarity about your options so you feel emotionally comfortable throughout the breast implant removal journey.
In preparation for surgery, get plenty of rest, stay hydrated, and remember not to allow any anxiety about undergoing surgery to cause your body stress. Try to think positively and remain emotionally and physically healthy before surgery. Your exact preparatory steps will be specific to your needs, and Dr. Khan will go over what is best for you.
You must also inform your doctor of all underlying medical conditions, symptoms, and ongoing medications, especially if those medications have blood-thinning effects. Your doctor must have a comprehensive understanding of your health and medications to curate a personalized treatment plan that ensures optimal safety and results.
Dr. Khan offers outpatient breast implant removal surgery at his state-of-the-art, private, QUAD A-certified surgery center to ensure the highest standards of safety and surgical care. QUAD A sets the gold standard in accreditation, so you can rest assured that your en bloc in Bloomfield Township will occur in one of the country’s leading medical facilities.
During surgery, anesthesia will be administered to mitigate pain and discomfort. Your doctor and anesthesiologist will recommend intravenous sedation or general anesthesia, depending on your needs and condition. The anesthesiologist will monitor your vitals throughout the procedure. If you receive general anesthesia, you will be asleep throughout the procedure, so you won’t feel discomfort or anxiety.
The en bloc capsulectomy procedure starts with a small incision along the fold on the underside of the breast, known as the inframammary fold. The incision will be long enough to remove the entire implant and capsule but not long enough to extend past the inframammary fold. Dr. Khan will separate the scar tissue capsule with the implant from the natural breast tissues and extract it carefully.
Once the scar tissue capsule has been dissected completely, the surgeon will remove it through the incision in one piece. If the implant is extremely thin, some scar tissues might be left behind, which will be selectively removed. Finally, the surgeon for your en bloc in Bloomfield Township will clean the breast implant pocket and close the incisions.
During recovery, you will be prescribed medications to mitigate pain. You will also be instructed to rest for a given period. That time could be as much as a few weeks or as little as a few days, depending on numerous factors. You will need someone with you for at least a few days. Be sure to find a reliable and responsible friend or loved one to be there the day of.
The doctor will provide thorough post-operative instructions. Some patients find it helpful to wear a support bra during the first few weeks after the surgery. The doctor and nurses will go over all the details. You must follow your doctor’s post-operative instructions carefully to minimize the risk of major side effects or complications.
The following are some of the possible side effects/complications of breast implant removal:
- Breast distortion
- Severe skin scarring
- Excessive scar tissues
- Excessive bleeding
- Infection
- Decreased nipple sensation
After your en bloc in Bloomfield Township, your breast profile may look less buoyant and have some irregularities. This depends on how much scar tissue you have. Dr. Khan can also discuss autologous treatment options to reconstruct your breasts and improve the aesthetic appearance using natural tissues drawn from your body. Our primary concern is whether the patient is experiencing the best possible quality of life.
Why choose Dr. Khan?
Dr. Shaher Khan is a double board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon with specialized training in en bloc capsulectomy. He is also a firm advocate of women with symptoms of breast implant illness, a very real medical condition that leads to numerous systemic health concerns because of implants. Dr. Khan firmly avoids implant procedures and specializes in explant procedures. Please schedule a consultation with Dr. Khan to explore your breast implant removal options.