Breast implants will not last a full lifespan and therefore will lead to additional surgeries in a person’s life. Furthermore, a large and growing group of women have experienced adverse health effects termed “breast implant illness” attributed to the implants in their chest. Since 2009, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has received more than 350,000 incident reports involving breast implants. Watch the full video below to learn more This is by far our most popular video to date… for…
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To begin, “en bloc” is defined by the medical dictionary in a lump; as a whole. The en bloc removal, also known as a “capsulectomy” then, is a surgical procedure performed to remove the implant and capsule as a whole without breaking the capsule. This way, the surgeon avoids any silicone leaking into the body cavity. Why is the procedure done this way? As we’ve mentioned in an earlier post, there have been only a few studies done to explore…
A Roundup of the Newest and Most Surprising Stories surrounding Breast Implant Illness This Month After the FDA held a hearing discussing the dangers of breast implant illness in March, news outlets ranging from the New York Times to E! News published numerous stories discussing the validity of the illness, various experiences of different women who suffered through breast implant illness, and even some doctors including renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Shaher Khan MD at Executive Plastic Surgery who have chosen…