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10 Symptoms of Breast Implant Illness

Breast implant illness (BII) is a term used to describe a range of symptoms women with breast implants have reported. While the exact causes of BII are still being studied and debated, the symptoms are real and can impact a woman's quality of life. Here are 10 significant symptoms of breast implant illness: Chronic fatigue: Many women with BII report feeling tired and lacking energy, even after getting adequate sleep. Brain fog: This can include forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, and a...
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What does it mean to be double board certified doctor and why does it matter to you?

When you’re looking for a doctor, we understand that it can be an overwhelming process. There are so many out there with different specialties, a confusing jumble of letters around their name, and a lot of terms that might just seem like fluff. To make this process a little easier, here’s a breakdown on what it means to have a double board certified surgeon, and why you should care. To begin, a board-certified surgeon means a doctor that has taken…

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Breast Implant Illness: Don’t Miss these 6 New Stories

A Roundup of the Newest and Most Surprising Stories surrounding Breast Implant Illness This Month After the FDA held a hearing discussing the dangers of breast implant illness in March, news outlets ranging from the New York Times to E! News published numerous stories discussing the validity of the illness, various experiences of different women who suffered through breast implant illness, and even some doctors including renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Shaher Khan MD at Executive Plastic Surgeon who have chosen…

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