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Does the NBIR really strengthen the post-market surveillance infrastructure for current and future breast implant devices in the United States?

The National Breast Implant Registry (NBIR) is an initiative in the United States that aims to enhance the post-market surveillance of breast implant devices. Its establishment is a response to the growing concerns regarding the safety and long-term effects of breast implants. This article delves into the operational mechanisms of the NBIR and evaluates its effectiveness in strengthening the surveillance infrastructure for breast implants. The Role of NBIR in Post-Market Surveillance The NBIR is a database of breast implant procedures....
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Your Breasts Will Eventually “Fluff Out” After Breast Explant

Breast explantation, or the removal of breast implants, is a decision many women make for various reasons, from health concerns like capsular contracture and symptoms associated with breast implant illness to the desire to prevent autoimmune disorders and regain optimal health and well-being. One of the most common anxieties surrounding this procedure is the appearance of the breasts. Will they look flat? Will they ever regain their natural shape? The short answer is yes: your breasts will eventually be visited...
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Breast Implants and Autoimmune Diseases

In recent years, the debate surrounding breast implants has intensified as concerns over their health implications have come to the forefront. Breast implants have long been considered a perfectly safe means of enhancing the breasts, but it has become increasingly clear that that’s far from true. Many women with breast implants have suffered from a complex constellation of symptoms for decades while being repeatedly told there’s nothing wrong. However, it has become clear that breast implants — both saline and...
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Proper En Bloc Removal

Breast implant removal isn't just a cosmetic choice; for many individuals, it's a life-affirming decision that can profoundly impact their health. Dr. Shaher Khan, a double board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon at Executive Plastic Surgeon, specializes in breast implant removals. He has pioneered a comprehensive approach to breast implant removal known as the 100/100/0 Rule — this technique ensures that 100% of the capsules and implant are removed 100% of the time, and 0% of the capsule is left on...
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FDA Declines to Ban Breast Implants

In recent years, it has become increasingly clear that breast implants aren’t safe and can lead to incredibly damaging consequences. Many women who have undergone breast augmentation or reconstruction surgeries have reported adverse health effects, leading to a condition called Breast Implant Illness (BII). Despite mounting evidence, the FDA has decided not to ban breast implants from the U.S. market. A Contentious Decision By The FDA In March 2019, the FDA held a two-day meeting of the General and Plastic...
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Things You Should Know Before You Have Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation surgery has gained significant popularity over the years, allowing individuals to enhance their breast size and shape. However, it's crucial to fully understand the potential risks and complications associated with this procedure. As awareness about the risk of Breast Implant Illness (BII) and other breast implant-related complications grows, it’s increasingly clear that breast augmentation with implants is far from a safe procedure. Dr. Shaher Khan, a renowned specialist in Breast Implant Illness (BII) and breast implant removals at...
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Recognizing The Warning Signs: Breast Implant Illness

Breast augmentation has long been a popular cosmetic procedure, offering women the opportunity to enhance their appearance and boost their self-confidence. However, the focus on the aesthetic benefits often overshadows potential health risks associated with breast implants. In recent years, many women have reported a range of debilitating symptoms linked to their breast implants, a condition now known as Breast Implant Illness (BII). This article lists the BII warning signs that women should be aware of. What Is Breast Implant...
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What is Capsular Contracture?

Breast implants have become increasingly common, driven by the desire for enhanced physical aesthetics. However, they carry significant potential complications, including capsular contracture, which can cause discomfort, distortion, and the need for further surgery. This article aims to shed light on what capsular contracture is, its causes, its impact, and the importance of considering these risks before opting for breast implants. About Capsular Contracture When a foreign object, such as a breast implant, is introduced into the body, the body's...
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Are Saline Implants Safe?

When it comes to cosmetic surgical procedures, it's critical to acknowledge the risks associated with each treatment. The topic of breast implants, notably saline implants, often raises concerns due to widely held misconceptions. Saline implants, in particular, have garnered attention, with some individuals advocating for their superiority over silicone implants. But are they truly safe? At Executive Plastic Surgery, our focus lies in understanding the complications linked to breast implants and advocating for patient health and wellbeing. In fact, Dr....
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How to Identify a Ruptured Implant

In recent years, there has been an increased emphasis on the importance of understanding and considering potential complications related to breast implants. One such complication, and the focus of our discussion today, is a ruptured implant. We at Executive Plastic Surgery, under the guidance of Dr. Shaher Khan, are committed to raising awareness about these potential risks and offering specialized expertise in breast implant removal. Understanding Breast Implant Rupture A ruptured implant is a scenario where the implant's casing, whether...
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